Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Lucie Needs...

Go to your favorite search engine, type in your first name and the word "needs"...write down 10 of the "statements" that come up.

1. Lucie needs some splainin (Sounds like a highly overused joke I've heard...)

2. Lucie needs to stop (Stop what? I haven't done anything, I swear!)

3. Lucie needs a nap after morning outdoors (Goodness knows, that's the truth!)

4. Lucie needs to buy just 10 lots to widen Becker (What's "Becker"?)

5. Lucie needs better priorities (Yes, I know...)

6. Lucie needs programs to develop job skills (Apparently I'm not good enough yet!)

7. Lucie needs to be found. (I didn't realize I was lost!)

8. Lucie needs to develop a sexual relationship with Daniel (I'd rather not, if I can avoid it...)

9. Lucie needs to release a studio version of this! (I'll get right on that)

10. Lucie needs your help asap!! ( so help me dang it!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New Member of the Family

This is the newest member of our family! Her name is Belle, me and Sam just adopted her from the Humane Society on Valentines Day. She's such a little lovebug! I've never met a cat who purred so easily!

It was really difficult for us to only pick one kitty to take home that day, there were too many cute ones! It was nice though, because the Humane Society was doing a holiday deal where all the kitties who were over a year old had their adoption fees waived (Belle's 4 years old), so we only had to pay $20 for her license. She's really adapted to her new home! The minute we let her loose in the house, she walked around like she owned the place. I was really surprised, since I figured that any cat we would adopt would have a hard time trusting us, or feeling safe in a new environment, but she immediately bonded with me and Sam. She acts like she's been living with is for years!

She's really fat! Her tummy basically drags on the ground when she walks, which doesn't really make sense since she doesn't eat all that much. I guess it's just cuz she's really lazy (she fits right in!), her day mainly consists of watching birds eat on the patio, laying under the couch (her favorite hiding spot!), and making good use of a lap when it's available! I'm really glad we picked her, she fits in with us so perfectly!

In other news, me and Sam saw Coraline last weekend with a couple of our friends. It was really good, and worth seeing, but I enjoyed the book better (it's written by Niel Gaiman, one of my favorite authors!). They changed the story a bit to make it less frightening, and added a new character, but I'll still be getting it when it comes out on dvd.

I was really sick yesterday, and the night before. I'm on the recovery end now, but I definitely do not want to experience anything like that ever again! I think it was the worst I've ever been sick in my entire life! (I hope that last sentence made sense!)

Anyway, It's 9:50 now, and I told myself that I'm going to school tomorrow, no matter what (I skipped today and yesterday since I wasn't feeling well) so I'm off to bed. Hope everyone is doing well, and sorry for not posting anything in such a long time!

Pay It Forward

Okay, This is in response to Shawna's posting.

Here's the deal. The first three people to post a comment get a prize, from me, to be sent without warning anytime between now and the end of the year...and it could be absolutely anything (hence the fun!). The catch is this: first you have to post the same "deal" on your blog and THEN you get to leave a comment telling me you're in.

Sounds interesting, I guess I'll give it a try!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just Try To Tell Me They Aren't Gay For Each Other!

This video always makes me giggle!

Sorry for there being two videos! The second one is higher quality.