Monday, September 29, 2008

How Stupid Can One Person Be?

I did the most retarded thing of my entire life last night. Okay, I've probably done worse things, but this one is definitely near the top of the list!

So, imagine this in your head; I'm making spaghetti, and of course me being who I am, I try to do everything at once. I'm browning meat, cooking noodles, baking french bread, and warming up sauce all at once. So, I put the noodle pan on the back burner of the stove, but accidentally turn on the front burner instead of the back one, and the handle of the pan is hanging over the front burner that's slowly heating up.

At this moment I'm oblivious to what's happening because I'm trying to make sure I cook the meat thoroughly. Once I glance toward the pan, I realize that the water isn't boiling, and discover what's happened, so I decide to just move the pan from the back burner to the front one since that burner is already hot anyway. So, without thinking, I reach out and grab the handle of the pan to pull it toward me. Of course we all know what happens if a handle of a metal pan has been hovering over a red-hot burner for about 10 minutes, but I guess I just wasn't thinking clearly. Let's just say my palm got pretty crispy.

I've never burned my entire palm before, but dang it is not an experience I want to live through again! It hurt like hell all last night, although I put a bunch of ice on it and then some medication before I went to bed, and this morning it felt a bit better. I've got a nice blister going along one side of my palm though!

So all in all, I should not be let near lighted stoves, because they're apparently too dangerous for me! At least I burned my left hand, and not my right one. It would suck if I had to try to write all my college papers, and draw with a burnt hand!


Danielle said...

You poor thing!!! I burned my whole palm on hot monkey bars once, got a huge blister that covered my palm, but I bet that pan was hotter!! Glad you survived!!!

♥Miya said...

Ew. Crispy.

shoezimm said...

Trust me, you're not alone in the "unobservant cooking" category. I've reached into the oven without thinking to pull out a cookie sheet and forgot the oven glove! Actually I've done that one twice in my life....once in first grade while helping mom and once while I was married. Hopefully Sam knows how to cook because I think you're not going to want to be around hot stuff for awhile.

Teachinfourth said...


I certainly hope you still ate.